Redeemer of the Nations, Come
Redeemer of the nations, come
Reveal yourself in virgin birth,
The birth which ages all adore,
A wondrous birth, befitting God.
From human will you do not apring,
But from the Spirit of our God;
O World of God, come; take our flesh
And grow as child in Mary's womb.
You came forth from theeternal God,
And you returned to that same source.
You duffered death and harrowed hell,
And reigned once more from God's high throne.
With God the Father You are One,
And one with us in human flesh.
Oh, fill our weak and dying frame
With godly strength which never fails.
You cradly shines with glory's lightl
Its splendor pierces all our gloom.
Our faith reflects those radiant beams;
No night shall overcome it now.
All praise, O unbegotten God,
All praise to you, eternal Word,
All praise, lifegiving Spirit, praise,
All glory to our God Triune.