Latin lyrics | Literal English translation |
Te gestiéntem gáudiis Te sáuciam dolóribus, Te jugi amíctam glória O Virgo Mater, pángimus. Ave, redúndans gáudio Dum cóncipis, dum vísitas; Et edis, offers, ínvenis, Mater beáta, Fílium. Ave, dolens, et íntimo In corde agónem, vérbera, Spinas, Crucémque Fílii Perpéssa, princeps, Mártyrum. Ave, in triúmphis Fílii, In ígnibus Parácliti, In regni honóre et lúmine, Regína fulgens glória. Veníte, gentes, cárpite Ex his rosas mystériis, Et pulchri amóris ínclytæ Matri corónas néctite. Jesu, tibi sit glória, Qui natus es de Vírgine, Cum Patre, et almo Spíritu, In sempitérna sæcula. | Virgin Mother, of thee we sing Telling the joys thy Child did bring, The woes that pierced thy heart so sore, The glory that hath clothed thee o'er. Hail! joyous blessed Mother one Who did conceive so great a Son, Did visit with Him, gave Him birth, Offered Him, found Him, here on earth. Hail! chief of martyrs, in thy heart Bearing, as't were thine own, the smart Of thy Son's agony, the blows, The thorns, the cross He undergoes! Hail, queen! thou dost in glory shine; Thy Son's triumphal days are thine; The Spirit's fires thy soul delight; Thine is the heavenly realm so bright! O come, ye peoples, gather ye Roses from every mystery! Weave ye your crowns to praise above The glorious Mother of fair love. Glory, O Lord, be given to Thee, Who of a Virgin deigned'st to be : May the same praise for ever greet The Father and the Paraclete. |
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