Music: Slane, of Irish folk origin (MIDI, score). Slane Hill is about ten miles from Tara in County Meath. It was on Slane Hill around 433 AD that St. Patrick defied a royal edict by lighting candles on Easter Eve. High King Logaire of Tara had decreed that no one could light a fire before Logaire began the pagan spring festival by lighting a fire on Tara Hill. Logaire was so impressed by Patrick’s devotion that, despite his defiance (or perhaps because of it), he let him continue his missionary work. The rest is history.
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art.
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.
Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.
Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;
Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.
Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.
High King of Heaven, my victory won,
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.
![]() The Nativity, by Uccello |
Music: Bunessan, traditional Gaelic melody (MIDI, score).
Child in the manger, Infant of Mary,
Outcast and Stranger, Lord of all,
Child Who inherits all our transgressions,
All our demerits on Him fall.
Once the most holy Child of salvation
Gently and lowly lived below.
Now as our glorious mighty Redeemer,
See Him victorious o’er each foe.
Prophets foretold Him, Infant of wonder;
Angels behold Him on His throne.
Worthy our Savior of all our praises;
Happy forever are His own.
Rising I thank You, mighty and strong OneThe version found in most hymnals, can be sung to most office tunes such as Conditor Alme Siderum:
King of Creation, giver of rest.
Firmly confessing threeness of Persons
Oneness of Godhead, Trinity blest.
This day God gives me strength of high heaven
Sun and moon shining, flame in my hearth
Flashing of lightning, wind in its swiftness
Deeps of the ocean, firmness of earth.
This day God sends me Strength as my guardian
Might to uphold me, Wisdome as guide.
Your eyes are watchful, Your ears are listening
Your lips are speaking, Friend at my side.
God's way is my way, God's shield is round me
God's host defends me, saving from ill.
Angels of heaven drive from me always
All that would harm me, stand at my side.
Christ be beside me, Christ be before me.
Christ be behind me King of my heart.
Christ be within me, Christ be below me.
Christ be above me Never to part.
Christ on my right hand, Christ on my left hand.
Christ all around me Shield in the strife.
Christ in my sleeping, Christ in my sitting.
Christ in my rising Light of my life.
Christ be in all hearts Thinking about me.
Christ be on all tongues Telling of me.
Christ be the vision In eyes that see me,
In ears that hear me Christ ever be.
Rising I thank You, mighty and strong One
King of Creation, giver of rest.
Firmly confessing threeness of Persons
Oneness of Godhead, Trinity blest.
I bind unto myself todayTwo more verses not usually found with the original:
the strong name of the Trinity,
By invocation of the same,
the Three-in-One, and One-in-Three.
I bind this day to me forever,
by power of faith, Christ's Incarnation;
His baptism in the River Jordan;
His death on the Cross for my salvation;
His bursting from the spiced tomb;
His riding up the heavenly way;
His coming at the day of doom.
I bind unto myself the power
of the great love of the Cherubim;
The sweet "Well Done" in judgment hour:
The service of the Seraphim;
Confessor's faith, Apostles' word;
The Patriarchs' prayers, the Prophets' scrolls;
All good deeds done unto the Lord.
I bind unto myself today
the virtues of the starlit heaven;
The glorious suns' life-giving ray;
The whiteness of the moon at even;
The flashing of the lightning free;
The whirling wind's tempestuous shocks;
The stable earth; the deep salt sea.
I bind unto myself today
the power of God to hold and lead;
His eye to watch, His might to stay;
The wisdom of my God to teach;
His hand to guide, His shield to ward;
The Word of God to give me speech;
His heavenly host to be my guard;
Against the demon snares of sin;
The vice that gives temptation force
The natural lusts that war within;
The hostile men that mar my course;
Few or many, far or nigh;
In every place and in all hours;
Against their fierce hostility.
I bind to me these holy powers
Against all Satan's spells and wiles;
Against false words of heresy;
Against the knowledge that defiles;
Against the heart's idolatry;
Against the wizard's evil craft;
Against the death-wound and the burning;
The choking wave and poisoned shaft;
Protect me, Christ, til thy returning.
Christ be with me, Christ within me;
Christ beside me, Christ before me;
Christ beside me, Christ to win me;
Christ to comfort and restore me;
Christ beneath me, Christ above me;
Christ in Quiet, Christ in danger;
Christ in hearts of all that love me;
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
I bind unto myself the Name
The strong name of the Trinity;
By invocation of the same,
the Three-in-One, and One-in-Three;
Of whom all nature hath creation;
Eternal Father, Word, and Spirit.
Praise to the Lord of my salvation.
Salvation is of Christ the Lord.
I call upon the noble earthA slightly modified version found in Madeline L'Engle's A Swiftly Tilting Planet:
To give me strength both day and night
Her granite and her gems of worth
Are tokens of her various might
And from her shores the endless sea
In calm and tempest girds the sphere
And like the earth, the waters free
Shall be my trust against all fear
Above the earth and waters wide
The air enfolds the globe's fair breast
In it good spirits do abide,
I count on them in strife and rest
And last of all, the golden fire
Shall be my great and strong ally
The goodly spirits that never tire
Are all my strength below, on high
With St. Patrick, in this fateful hourMarty Haugen's translation:
I call on heaven with all heaven with its power,
The sun with its brightness,
The snow with its whiteness,
The fire with all the strength it hath,
The lightning with its rapid wrath,
The winds with their swiftness along their path,
The sea with its deepness,
The rocks with its starkness,
All these I place,
By God's almighty help and grace,
Between myself and the powers of darkness.
May the Spirit of Christ be our hope through the dayJohn Michael Talbot's version from the album "Hiding Place":
Be our guard through the night, our companion on the way.
Christ be ever before us,
Christ be ever behind us,
Christ be ever within.
Christ on our left hand watching,
At our right hand guiding,
Christ above, beneath us guarding,
Near to us abiding.
Christ be in each holy silence,
Christ be in our speaking,
Christ in ev'ry work we offer,
Ever in our seeking.
Let us be God's light in the darkness,
let us be God's kindness;
Let us be God's justice and mercy,
Hands and feet of Christ.
God Creator, bless and keep us,
Christ, be ever near us;
Spirit be the light before us,
Gentle be our pathway.
Christ, as a light illumine and guide me.
Christ, as a shield overshadow me.
Christ under me; Christ over me;
Christ beside me on my left and my right.
This day be within and without me,
lowly and meek, yet all-powerful.
Be in the heart of each to whom I speak;
in the mouth of each who speaks unto me.
This day be within and without me,
lowly and meek, yet all-powerful.
Christ as a light; Christ as a shield;
Christ beside me on my left and my right.
Labels: celtic
![]() Henry Carey (1687-1743) | Words: Attributed variously to Charlemagne, Ambrose of Milan, Gregory I, and Rhabanus Maurus (Veni Creator Spiritus, Mentes tuorum visita); translated from Latin to English by John Dryden, Miscellaneous Poems, 1693. Music: Carey’s Surrey, Henry Carey, circa 1732; harmony from The English Hymnal (London: Oxford University Press, 1906), number 491 (MIDI, score). | ![]() John Dryden (1631-1700) |
Creator Spirit, by Whose aid
The world’s foundations first were laid,
Come, visit every pious mind;
Come, pour Thy joys on human kind;
From sin, and sorrow set us free;
And make Thy temples worthy Thee.
O Source of uncreated Light,
The Father’s promised Paraclete!
Thrice holy Fount, thrice holy Fire,
Our hearts with heav’nly love inspire;
Come, and Thy sacred unction bring
To sanctify us, while we sing!
Plenteous of grace, descend from high,
Thou strength of His almighty hand,
Whose pow’r does Heav’n and earth command:
Proceeding Spirit, our Defense,
Who dost the gift of tongues dispense,
And crown’st Thy gift with eloquence!
Refine and purge our earthly parts;
But, oh, inflame and fire our hearts!
Our frailties help, our vice control;
Submit the senses to the soul;
And when rebellious they are grown,
Then, lay Thy hand, and hold them down.
Create all new; our wills control,
Subdue the rebel in our soul;
Make us eternal truths receive,
And practice all that we believe;
Give us Thyself, that we may see
The Father and the Son by Thee.
Immortal honor, endless fame,
Attend th’almighty Father’s Name:
The Savior Son be glorified,
Who for lost man’s redemption died:
And equal adoration be,
Eternal Paraclete, to Thee.
Labels: 9th c., pentecost, rabanus maurus
Labels: 4th c., Hilary of Poitiers, pentecost
Labels: 4th c., Hilary of Poitiers, pentecost
![]() John M. Neale (1818-1866) | Words: Unknown author (Würzburg, Germany: 13th Century) (Aeterne Rex altissime, Redemptor); translated from Latin to English by John M. Neale, in the Hymnal Noted, 1852 (Eternal Monarch, King Most High); modified in Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1861. Music: Eastwick, Thomas T. Noble, in Alternative Hymn Tunes, 1902 (MIDI, score). | ![]() Thomas T. Noble (1867-1953) |
O Lord most high, eternal King,
By Thee redeemed Thy praise we sing;
The bonds of death are burst by Thee,
And grace has won the victory.
Ascending to the Father’s throne
Thou claim’st the kingdom as Thine own;
Thy days of mortal weakness o’er
All power is Thine forevermore.
To Thee the whole creation now
Shall, in its threefold order, bow,
Of things on earth, and things on high,
And things that underneath us lie.
In awe and wonder angels see
How changed is man’s estate by Thee,
How flesh makes pure as flesh did stain,
And Thou, true God, in flesh dost reign.
Be Thou our Joy, O mighty Lord,
As Thou wilt be our great Reward;
Let all our glory be in Thee
Both now and through eternity.
All praise from every heart and tongue
To Thee, ascended Lord, be sung;
All praise to God the Father be
And Holy Ghost eternally.
Links of Interest: The Celtic Catholic Church | Sacred Space | 7 Deadly Sins, 7 Heavenly Virtues | My School | My Website (In Progress)